A day of days in our nation!
While crowds risk their lives in the political turmoil of the Arab World in this undeservedly blessed land we crowd to see a glorious celebration of human love at the centre of our national life. We have every reason to give thanks to God as we observed the elevation of Kate Middleton to the heart of the Royal Family.
And in it all one Scripture Reading. It was beautifully read and a majestically suitable passage for a marriage. And a great deal else. For just yesterday afternoon I was reading that same Scripture from Romans 12 and from my point of view it had made a journey at least as dramatic as Kate Middleton!
The setting I read it in had been a little different: the hearers were in single figures, one was in not the transcept exactly but in her bed with the door open next door, their average age at or around 90 years and more, and walking frames replaced State Coaches while a CD recording replaced the Westminster Abbey Sub-Organist, choirs, fanfare trumpeters and the English Chamber Orchestra. Yet to these elderly saints in the rest home as we shared Communion the apostle's words were still rich and replete with meaning and significance.
I won't forget today anyway, but if I were to do so Romans 12 would always remind me of God's timeless word, a victory of faith over fashion.