
Sunday, 20 February 2011

Book Review: Entrusted with the Gospel

The six chapters of this book are successive expositions of 2 Timothy transcribed from addresses at the national conference of The Gospel Coalition in Chicago in 2009.

Naturally the bi-annual conference is mainly attended by key leaders and the expositions are orientated to those listeners. The preachers are six leading American expositors - John Piper, Philip Ryken, Mark Driscoll, K. Edward Copeland, Bryan Chapell (whose advocacy of Scripture will warm many hearts) and J. Ligon Duncan. Each chapter is therefore distinctive in style and depth, making the book more of a sampler than a coherent whole. That said, almost every page contains rich expositional material such as is all too rarely heard from major evangelical voices and the whole is a readable, insightful treatment of Paul’s parting letter.

As a demonstration of the enduring richness and power of expository Biblical preaching, even in our 21st century, this is a fine book. Every preacher, and everyone who believes in Biblical preaching, should read it and a blessing will surely result.

Entrusted with the Gospel.  D.A.Carson (Editor).  IVP 158pp £8.99

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