
Monday, 4 May 2020

Good News in a Pandemic: 2. Science

Science (from the Latin word for. knowledge) has been good news in the pandemic.  Indeed it offers the only plausible way out for the full resumption of life as we knew it.  Or if the coronavirus miraculously disappeared we would rely on science to find the explanation to reassure us.

I have chosen science as my second area of good news because it is usually placed in opposition to, or more likely in superiority to, God.  It is, more truthfully, a gift from God.

Science is good news when we understand its boundaries.

1. The Information Boundary: It informs but does not decide

As the UK tries to leave national lockdown it is always, we are told, led by the science.  But at the daily news conferences it becomes clear that the scientists in the room (two usually), are quick to point out that there are decisions that will have to be made and that these decisions will be political.  

Or to put it another way - they can see the numbers but do not wish to make decisions about the choices on offer.  Indeed, scientists actively disagree with the ones that appear in Downing Street - creating decisions that need to be made between scientists.  

We misuse science when we imply that it has the answers.  It has the information (in varying degrees of certainty).  Could an all-powerful deity have created the first two human beings?  Scientifically he could have and there are other theories too.  What I believe about that is a decision, not a piece of scientific data. Informed, not led, by the science.

2.  The Finite Knowledge Boundary: It is the best we know but not enough

The advances in knowledge have been phenomenal in recent centuries.  Just take the fact you are reading this via the internet, possibly on a phone.

There is a widespread undercurrent of fake news that assumes science explains everything in the world around us.  Only the most arrogant celebrity scientists allow that view because good scientists know that there is much they do not know.

An important piece of good news in this pandemic has been seeing scientists addressing the public honestly, explaining they do not have an answer when the public are desperate for one.  To treat our knowledge as finite is an important humility for humans.  When we sigh a relief after science has helped us through this virus, we will remember for a generation that science does not yet know the next virus, and so on.

3.  The Earthly Boundary:  It is earthly not heavenly

If the plague angel in Revelation 21:9 (remember that angel?) gives a whole new perspective on plagues it is worth reflecting that no science can ever investigate Heaven's perspective.  Science (even cosmology) looks at things from earth and from humans.  Revelation (both the book and the principle) shows us the other side of  things.

Arguably, the other side - the heavenly side - is the only one that ultimately matters, and it is certainly the one that matters most.

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